BCIN - NPO法人乳がん画像診断ネットワーク


The Japan times に記事が掲載されました 2017.12.26
Cancer and breast density: What are doctors withholding?


October is Pink Ribbon Month: an annual campaign to increase awareness about breast cancer and get more women screened in order to catch the disease in its early stages, which will boost survival rates.


And as part of the campaign, buildings are lit up in pink and cancer survivors and doctors hold lectures nationwide to get the message out.


But experts in Japan remain divided — and undecided — on one issue surrounding breast cancer screenings and that is whether to tell people who undergo the tests if they have dense breast tissue.


Normal breast tissue is composed of milk glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue and supportive tissue that is dense breast tissue. For those with dense breasts, they have more dense tissue than fatty tissue.


Dense breast tissue shows up white in mammograms and is harder to differentiate from tumors, which also look white. To detect breast cancer among women with dense breasts, some experts recommend an ultrasound scan.


The problem is, many Japanese women — especially younger ones — are believed to have dense breasts, which means mammography tests — the only method endorsed for government-funded screenings — may not work on them.


What’s worse, most women are not informed about the type of breast tissue they have. When a mammography X-ray shows a woman has dense breasts, she would typically receive a report that simply says that “no abnormalities have been detected.”


Mika Masuda, a 55-year-old medical journalist, has vigorously campaigned over the years for breast density information to be disclosed to women who undergo mammograms. Masuda, who was diagnosed with stage-zero breast cancer in 2006, often gives lectures where she urges women to get tested early.

医療ジャーナリストの増田美加さんは、マンモグラフィを受診している女性に乳腺濃度の情報を開示するため、長年に渡って積極的なキャンペーンを行なってきました。 2006年にステージゼロの乳がんと診断された増田さんは、しばしば女性に早期の検査受診を促すために講演活動を行っています。

She says she has encountered many women who wondered why they were diagnosed with advanced-stage breast cancer even though they had undergone regular mammograms.


“I had women telling me directly that, ‘I was getting tested every two years (as recommended by the government), but I still developed advanced-stage cancer that requires me to go through chemotherapy. Why is that?’ ” Masuda said in a recent interview. “I felt so heartbroken for them.”

「2年ごとに検査を受けていましたが(政府が推薦したように)、化学療法を受けなければならない進行癌です。それはなぜですか?」その女性は直接私に言ってくれましたと増田さんは最近のインタビューで語りました。 「私は彼女らにとても深い悲しみを感じました。」

As she learned about the issues surrounding dense breasts — and how women with such breasts could have tumors go undetected for years even if they take mammograms — Masuda said she became enraged at the experts.


Breast cancer doctors and radiologists who analyze X-ray images have a classification system under which they document the breast tissue composition of every woman they screen.


The categories are as follows: almost entirely fatty, meaning the breasts are made up mostly of fat; scattered areas of density, which means some parts of the breasts are dense but the majority is nondense; heterogeneously dense, indicating that some areas are nondense but the majority is dense; and extremely dense, meaning nearly all of the breast tissue is dense.


“Doctors have known this all along,” Masuda said. “They have long known about dense breasts and have classified the density of every breast they examine into four groups. But they never let the patients know.”

「医師はこれら全て知っています。」と増田氏は語ります。 "彼らは高濃度乳房のことを長い間知っており、調べるすべての乳腺濃度を4つのグループに分類しています。しかし、彼らは患者に知らせることは決してありません。

In 2013, Masuda set up the nonprofit organization Breast Cancer Imaging Network, which promotes exchanges between patients and medical experts. In 2015, the group invited Nancy Cappello from the United States to give a lecture. Cappello, who was not told that she had dense breast tissue until after she was diagnosed with advanced cancer in 2004, became an advocate for disclosing information on breast density. Thanks to Cappello’s activism, 27 U.S. states now have laws in place that require women to be notified if they have dense breasts .

2013年には、非営利団体である乳がん画像診断ネットワークを設立し、患者と医療専門家の交流を促進しました。2015年には、米国のナンシー・カッペロ女史を日本に招いて講演を行いました。彼女は2004年に進行癌と診断されるまで高濃度乳房組織であると知らされておらず、乳腺濃度に関する情報を開示する提唱者となりました。 ナンシー女史の活動のおかげで、米国の27の州では現在、高濃度乳房の場合に受診者本人にその事を通知をする法律が制定されています。

In October 2016, Masuda, together with the leaders of 31 other breast cancer survivor groups across Japan, submitted a request to then-health minister Yasuhisa Shiozaki asking that the ministry revise guidelines on municipal breast cancer screenings so that women are told if they have dense breasts. The groups also asked that the wording on mammogram reports be changed from “no abnormalities detected,” to “difficult to judge.”


The groups also requested that women be advised to consider taking ultrasound tests after weighing their risks and that the state ramp up research on dense breasts, including its prevalence across the population.


Currently there is no nationwide data showing the frequency of dense breasts within the general population, according to research recently presented to a health ministry panel. Ratios recorded at a few sample facilities average about 40 percent.

The ministry panel, which sets the nation’s cancer screening policy, discussed the issue of dense breasts for the first time at a meeting in March, then again in June. But panel members remained divided, and generally cautious, about the idea of universally notifying all women who have taken mammograms about their breast density.


Dr. Yoshio Kasahara, a breast surgeon and member of a working group on the issue set up under the ministry panel, told the meeting in March that it is “premature” to introduce a nationwide notification system, noting that municipal government officials are not ready to field inquiries from women with such breasts and that there is not enough manpower to perform ultrasound scans for all such women.He also pointed to the lack of scientific evidence to justify the need for ultrasound screenings.


A study called J-START, involving 73,000 women in their 40s, found in November 2015 that a combination of a mammography test and an ultrasound scan was 1.5 times more likely to detect early-stage breast cancer than mammograms alone. But experts say it will take several more years for researchers to determine whether performing mammography and ultrasound tests together are effective at lowering mortality rates — the evidence needed to justify adding ultrasound scans to government-funded screenings.

40代の73,000人の女性を含んだJ-STARTと呼ばれる研究で、2015年11月にマンモグラフィ検査と超音波検査の組み合わせが、マンモグラフィ検査単独よりも早期乳癌を検出する可能性が1.5倍高いことが判明しました。しかし、専門家は、マンモグラフィ検査と超音波検査を併用することが、死亡率の低下に効果的であるかどうかを、研究者が決定するまでには数年かかるだろうと述べている – (それは、超音波スキャンを政府が資金を提供する検診に加えることを正当化する必要がある)。

Notifying women that they have dense breasts while presenting no clear follow-up options would lead to “unnecessary mental burdens,” Kasahara argued.

While debate in the ministry has stalled, some municipalities have started notifying women on their own. In Kawasaki, where more than 40,000 women over the age of 40 undergo city-subsidized mammography tests every two years, doctors in April 2016 started informing women about their breast density. So far, no major confusion has been reported, said Dr. Mamoru Fukuda, a breast surgeon and director of the St. Marianna University Breast & Imaging Center who helped introduce the program.

女性に高濃度乳房であることを伝えながら、明確なフォローアップオプションを提示しないことは、「不必要な精神的負担」につながると笠原医師は主張した。厚労相での議論は停滞しているが、自治体によっては女性に通知するようになった市町村もある。 40歳以上の40,000人以上の女性が2年ごとに市の補助でマンモグラフィ検査を受ける川崎市では、2016年4月の医師が女性に乳房の濃度を知らせるようになった。今のところ、大きな混乱は報告されていないと、プログラムを紹介した聖マリアンナ大学のブレストイメージングセンターの乳腺外科医である福田医師は語った。

In their mammogram reports, the city tells the women which of the four breast types they have. It also explains that mammograms cannot detect all tumors, and that cancer is harder to detect for women with extremely dense or heterogeneously dense breasts. If concerned women call the hospitals where they were screened, the hospitals are instructed to tell the women that dense breasts are not an illness, but an ultrasound scan is an option for which they would need to pay the full cost.

“We should promote evidence-based medicine, and it’s true that nobody has proven that an ultrasound test absolutely works to reduce cancer deaths,” Fukuda said by phone. “But whether someone has dense breast is personal information and it should be told to the woman. Withholding such information without any plans to introduce a notification system in the foreseeable future is not a patient-driven policy.”

報告では、乳腺の4つの分類のうち、どれにあてはまるのかを女性に伝えています。また、マンモグラフィではすべての腫瘍を検出することができず、高濃度または不均一高濃度の乳房ではがんを検出するのは難しいことが説明しています。関係する女性がスクリーニングされた病院に電話すると、病院は高濃度乳房が、病気ではないと女性に伝えるように指示されるが、超音波検査は受診者が全額を支払う必要がある選択肢である。福田医師は、「根拠に基づく医療を推進すべきだ、とはいえ、超音波検査が癌の死亡を減らすために絶対的に働いていることは誰も証明していない」と述べた。 「しかし、誰が高濃度乳房なのかは個人情報であり、それは女性に伝えられるべきです。通知システムを導入する予定がないまま、そのような情報を放棄することは、患者主導型ではない。」

Fukuda’s breast and imaging center polled 1,064 women who took city-funded or private breast cancer screenings between March 2016 and February 2017. Over a half of the respondents knew nothing about breast density beforehand, but after they read a pamphlet about the issue, 86 percent replied that they wanted to know their own breast density.


Masuda recommends that all women who undergo mammograms in municipal screenings demand that their breast density be disclosed, if it is not disclosed already. “Women in Japan are no fools,” she said. “We are not demanding that ultrasound tests be covered by public insurance. But the case in Kawasaki shows that, by informing the women, they can be more proactive about protecting their health. We have the right to know. It’s about our own body.”

増田氏は、市民検診でマンモグラフィを受ける女性は、公開されていない場合、乳腺濃度を開示することを薦めています。 「日本の女性は愚かではない」と彼女は言います。 「私たちは、超音波検査が公的保険の対象となることを要求しているわけではありません。しかし、川崎市の事例では、女性に知らせることによって、彼らの健康を守ることについてより積極的になることが示されています。私たちには知る権利があります。それは私たち自身の身体についてです。」
  • @npo.bcin